Thulium(III) Oxide is a highly insoluble thermally stable Thulium source, which is a pale green solid compound with the formula Tm2O3. It is suitable for glass, optic and ceramic applications.
Ytterbium(III) Oxide is a highly insoluble thermally stable Ytterbium source, which is a chemical compound with the formula Yb2O3. It is one of the more commonly encountered compounds of ytterbium. It is usually used for glass, optic and ceramic applications.
Yttrium Oxide, also known as Yttria, is an excellent mineralizing agent for spinel formation. It is an air-stable, white solid substance. It has a high melting point(2450°C), chemical stability, low coefficient of thermal expansion, high transparency for both visible (70%) and infrared (60%) light, low cut off energy of photons. It is suitable for glass, optic and ceramic applications.
UrbanMines is committed to providing our customers with the best recycling technology for optimising their precious/rare metal compounds processes and minimising precious/rare metal related products consumption. If you have the demand for recycling of precious/rare metal containing scrap or wastes, UrbanMines will be the best choice for you.
Global consumption of scattered metals has significantly grown in recent decades. However, at present, imbalances of exploitation, manufacturing and recycling of scattered metals are quite severe resulting in some uncertain supply risk. Hence, securing reliable, ordered and sustainable access to these scattered metals from minerals, functional products to wastes is necessary.
UrbanMines’s recycling management of Scattered Metal provides sustainable solutions for the decentralized world.
The polysilicon feedstock – large rods, usually broken into chunks of specific sizes and packaged in clean rooms before shipment – is directly cast into multicrystalline ingots or submitted to a recrystallization process to grow single crystal boules. The boules are then sliced into thin silicon wafers and used for the production of solar cells, integrated circuits and other semiconductor devices.
Polycrystalline Silicon for solar energy applications includes p-type and n-type silicon. Most silicon-based PV solar cells are produced from polycrystalline silicon with single crystal systems the next most common. Silicon Metal is also available as single crystal, amorphous silicon, disc, granules, ingot, pellets, pieces, powder , rod, sputtering target, wire, and other forms and custom shapes. Ultra high purity and high purity forms also include submicron powder and nanoscale powder.
Raw aluminum
Raw aluminum, also known as stir-fried aluminum in the Chinese industry, is a low-purity aluminum extracted from a naturally refined chemical component, aluminum oxide. Raw aluminum is impure aluminum, and like pig iron, it will break if you hit it hard. Aluminum with a composition below 98% is brittle and hard, and can only be used for sand casting.
Die-cast aluminum
Aluminum suitable for die casting is die-cast aluminum, usually die-cast aluminum alloy. Through the die-casting process, the aluminum alloy is melted and injected into the mold, and then quickly cooled to form an aluminum alloy product.
Copper is 100% Recyclable. Copper is one of the few materials that can be recycled repeatedly without any loss of performance. There is also no difference in the quality of recycled copper (secondary production) and mined copper (primary production), thus they can be used interchangeably.
Recycling Reduces CO2 Emissions and Energy Use. Recycling copper is a highly Eco-efficiency way of reintroducing a valuable material back into the economy. The recycling of copper requires less energy than primary production and reduces CO2 emissions.
Currently, a total of around 8.7 million tonnes of copper per year come from the recycling of “old” scrap (copper contained in end-of-life products) and “new” scrap (generated during production and downstream manufacturing processes).
From a professional point of view, waste printed circuit board is a mixture of glass fiber reinforced resin and a variety of metals, which is a typical electronic waste. Once the circuit board is abandoned, it will do great harm to our ecological environment and human health.
At present, the recycling methods of waste printed circuit boards generally adopt the methods of direct burial, incineration, washing and cracking, which is not allowed by the national environmental protection policy.
In the world, the best way to recycle waste printed circuit boards is physical recycling. The most significant advantages of this method are low environmental pollution, high comprehensive utilization rate and high added value, which is the inevitable development trend of electronic waste treatment in the future; its disadvantage is that the treatment cost is higher than that of incineration or washing. The characteristics of BPC determine that the recycling process is difficult.
Cathode Active Materials(CAM) can by recycled from spent lithium ion batteries (LIBs) by using calcination and solvent dissolution methods. The recycled material purity and good morphology play major roles in enhancing the material efficiency. LIBs are recycled by an effective recycling process, and the morphology and structure of the cathode active materials. Both calcination and solvent dissolution processes are used to obtain the purified cathode active materials. EDAX curves and mappings show the presence of Ni, Mn, Co, and O in the cathode active material. The elemental analysis from EDAX shows that the recycled cathode active material from spent LIBs is NMC 532 Li (Ni5Mn3Co2) O2.
Do you ever struggle to navigate country-specific regulations on e-waste disposal and data security?
Do you think the overwhelming number of rules and regulations about data security will increase your exposure to legal risks?
Are you skeptical that providers are falling short of thoroughgoing data wiping?
Do you think providers adhering to data wiping, recycling, or reselling standards, which could lead to the risk of data leaks and reputational damage?
Are you concerned about sustainable green policies and legal environmental mandates while conscientiously disposing of assets?
Can you find fair value or a reasonable return when you plan to dispose of your IT assets?
Lithium Hydroxide is an inorganic compound with the formula LiOH.The overall chemical properties of LiOH are relatively mild and somewhat similar to alkaline earth hydroxides than other alkaline hydroxides.
Lithium hydroxide, solution appears as a clear to water-white liquid which may have a pungent odor. Contact may cause severe irritation to skin, eyes, and mucous membranes.
It can exist as anhydrous or hydrated, and both forms are white hygroscopic solids. They are soluble in water and slightly soluble in ethanol. Both are available commercially. While classified as a strong base, lithium hydroxide is the weakest known alkali metal hydroxide.